You cannot defend an indefensible policy

#badgercull: You cannot defend an indefensible policy.

A Government  who can't see the benefits of Wales Farm Policy is unfit to lead the UK.
Wake up Cameron, stop paying so much attention of the un-elected NFU and weaving your web of lies.

There are so few badgers compared to the huge numbers of cattle moving around the UK (the highest number in Europe) it would be impossible for badgers to get around to infecting so many.  Also, very few badgers suffer from bTB they manage to live their short lives without it effecting them much at all.  Of  the few who do become infected by the cattle, very few develop to the infectious stage.

If England had such a remarkable success as Wales, it would have been hailed as the way forward. Cameron would have boasted its success and adopted it as a proven policy, instead of this wait and see approach he has towards Wales. As it is he's still trying to carry on with the failed policy of a #badgerculls over the next 25 yrs throughout the UK, even though there is no certainty of it having any significant effect on bovine TB in cattle, as it is a bovine (cow) disease which cattle are prone to, hence its name bovine TB.

Badger culls have been going on for very many years and are hugely expensive and unpopular.  It is not considered the correct approach to stopping bTB, by Badger experts or scientists, and is unacceptable to the general public.  Culls have always failed in their objectives.  Government must do better, and realize bovine TB has to be tackled within the herds of cattle, since it is a cattle disease, not badgers.  

Wales has achieved a 50% cut in bovine TB rates within the space of only 5 years.  All the badgers were tested prior to vaccination and none were found to have any sign of disease whatsoever, even though this was in a 'hot spot' area.

The policy Wales adopted was to:-

*Vaccinate badgers which has proved cost effective, and focused attention on strict cattle control measures.

*Testing cattle annually to stop the disease developing and spreading.

*Also, testing prior to transportation, as the highest rate of bTB transmision is during transportation when cattle are crowded together.

*Improved Hygiene (biosecurity) on farms and Cattle Markets.  The results achieved last year are carrying on in 2014 with 50% less cattle slaughtered due to bTB plus outbreaks of bTB in the herds.  

The benefits of Wales policy are there for all to see, Cameron and the Tory party should welcome this news as Wales is part of the UK after all.  It would make sense to follow this policy as it is cost effective to both farmers and  tax payers, and saves the unnecessary slaughter of thousands of cattle and Badgers.  Badgers had only just achieve a protected status before Cameron took away again. Since when thousands of badgers have been cruelly and illegally killed apart from the culls, as it has been seen to be approved of by Government.

Cameron would be the leader of a party that saw the extinction of Britain's largest native iconic mammal, is this to be his legacy?

The UK urgently needs a Government who will implement a strict Farm Management Policy, with penalties imposed on any who do not comply.  Far superior to Owen Paterson's policy, now taken up by Liz Truss, of Badger Culls throughout the UK for the next 25 years, which would undoubtedly eradicate the iconic British Badger from our green and pleasant lands.  To adopt a policy similar to Wales, who has cut bTB by 50% within 4/5 years and continuing to fall year on year, we could see a TB free UK within the next 10 years.

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